Ortopediska inlägg diabetic med täckning

Ortopediska inlägg diabetic klassisk

Ortopediska inlägg diabetic tjock
DIABETIC - Diabetic foot syndrome
Too high blood sugar with the lack of proper therapy is the cause of serious changes in small (microangiopathy) and large (macroangiopathy) walls of blood vessels. These changes affect their permanent damage and, as a result, the increased susceptibility to cardiovascular disease. Damage to small vessels results, among others, in impaired function of the nervous system, which is manifested by pain, sensory disorders, and limb numbness. However, the result of damage to large blood vessels is, for example, one of the most common and most serious complications of diabetes, that is, diabetic foot syndrome.
Diabetic foot syndrome is a disease characterized by insufficient blood circulation of the feet, impaired sensation in the foot while feeling the burning, tingling, and burning. Chronic tissue hypoxia causes them to die - swellings, clots, ulcers, and cracks are formed, nails deform, and the whole foot is blue. A weakening of muscle tension and bone or joints causes necrosis and deformity that prevents walking.
The diabetic foot affects from a few to a dozen or so percent of patients. Its treatment is difficult, long, and expensive, but effective. When untreated, leads to irreversible deformation and necrosis of the foot, which can result in amputation.
A very important element of treatment and the main method of conservative treatment is relieving the foot. Suitable footwear and orthopedic insoles that relieve the forefoot and heel are used for this purposes. Feet deprived of sensation in ill-fitting footwear without a properly selected orthopedic insole is one of the most common causes of diabetic ulceration.
The insoles are made of well-cushioned materials, absorbing shocks, soft to be able to "remember" the shape, and with the appropriate density and elasticity which is similar to the elasticity of soft tissue from the bottom, the plantar side of our feet.
For the production of our orthopedic insoles, we use best materials, originating from the LEADERS of European manufacturers. Thanks to numerous clinical tests and researches, they have certificates and attestations that allow our insoles to enter the market as medical products.